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Current President
San José, Costa Rica; July 31, 1962
Javier Tebas Medrano (San Jose, Costa Rica, 1962), of Spanish nationality, holds a degree in Law from the University of Zaragoza.
He has been a practising lawyer since 1987 and founded his own legal firm, specialising in Company Law and, subsequently, in sports and bankruptcy law.
Tebas's direct involvement in football began in 1993, when he was named president of Sociedad Deportiva Huesca, a position that he held until 1998 (a period during which the club competed in Spain’s Tercera Division and Segunda Division B). He later served as a board member at C.D. Badajoz S.A.D. and C.D. Toledo S.A.D. before being elected vice-president of LALIGA in 2001. In 2003 he headed up the G-30, a group representing 30 small LALIGA clubs that was set up to collectively negotiate their audiovisual rights. He has been LALIGA president since 2013 and was re-elected in 2016 and again for a further four-year term in 2019. In 2021 he was appointed as representative of European Leagues on the UEFA Executive Committee.
Tebas' tenure as LALIGA president has revolved around three core areas: the introduction of a financial controls system, the collective sale of audiovisual rights and the league's internationalisation strategy.
The implementation of a financial controls system was the first major achievement of his presidency, enabling the professional game in Spain to restructure its finances, reduce the clubs' debts and eliminate cases of non-payment to players.
Another of the main accomplishments during his term as president has been the switch to the centralised sale of audiovisual rights, brought about through the passing of the Royal Decree-Law 5/2015 and which has significantly boosted all LALIGA clubs' revenues.
Today, internationalisation is a key distinguishing characteristic of LALIGA. Over 2.7 billion fans follow the competition each matchday courtesy of over 100 broadcasters in 178 countries. All of this is made possible thanks to the efforts of LALIGA and its clubs across the institution's 11 offices and 44 local delegates, which give the organisation a presence in over 90 markets across the globe.
Innovation, technological development and data strategy through Business Intelligence and Analytics are also fundamental elements of LALIGA's strategy and are an integral part of the organisation's and the clubs' DNA.
The current presidency of Javier Tebas will go down in history for the creation of Boost LALIGA, the strategic project that brings together 38 LALIGA clubs and the investment fund CVC Capital Partners to carry out growth and consolidation projects in the areas of technology, innovation, internationalisation and the sporting sphere.
Tebas combines his role as LALIGA president with other activities, such as participating in forums as a conference speaker or teaching different commercial and sports-related courses, master's programmes and university or training courses run by private institutions (ISDE - the Higher Institute of Law and Economics, the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona, Masters in Sports Law at the Real Madrid University School, etc.).
México D.F; 31 de octubre de 1963
Abogado vinculado al mundo del fútbol, fue presidente de la Real Sociedad entre 2001 y 2005, año en el que llegó a la presidencia de LALIGA de manera interina hasta la celebración de elecciones. En julio de 2005 se celebraron los comicios y Astiazaran fue proclamado presidente con el aval de 39 de los 42 clubes miembros de la Liga de Fútbol Profesional.
10 de mayo de 1960
Actual Director Adjunto a la Presidencia de LALIGA, ocupó la presidencia de forma interina hasta la resolución de las elecciones en 2005.
Barcelona, España; 13 de octubre de 1949
Ocupó el cargo de manera interina hasta la celebración de las elecciones en 2005. Era vicepresidente segundo de José Luis Astiazarán y presidente del Terrasa. Al producirse el descenso a Segunda División B de su club, se vio obligado a dejar la presidencia interina de la LFP.
Barcelona, España; 13 de octubre de 1949
Abogado y miembro de la directiva del RCD. Espanyol, se mantuvo tres años en la presidencia de LALIGA. Actualmente, ocupa el cargo de presidente del Comité de Apelación de la UEFA.
Tarragona, España; 26 de julio de 1931 - 11 de febrero de 2001
Fue presidente del Real Club Deportivo Espanyol de Barcelona entre 1982 y 1989. Sucedió a Vega-Arango en el cargo de presidente de LALIGA en 1984 y se mantuvo en él hasta su fallecimiento en 2001.
Luanco, Asturias; 17 de agosto 1938
Llegó a la presidencia del Sporting de Gijón en 1977 y se mantuvo nueve años al frente de ella en su primera etapa. En 2002 comenzó su segunda etapa como máximo dirigente del Club, finalizando el 21 de junio de 2013. Fue el primer presidente de la Liga de Fútbol Profesional, participando en su creación.