MIÉ 12.08.2015
There are many and diverse reasons which originates the nickname of a team, although in several cases it is because the design or the colors of the club outfit. In Elche this is the main reason.
At first, Elche´s shirt and shorts were all white and black stockings were the only distinctive feature. According to legend, one day all that changed. The Czech manager Anton Fivebr, located in a rural area, saw all the palm groves and how this forms a green strip between all vegetation.
Then (1926), Fivébr decides that the team jersey should take some green details in the middle of the white color of the shirt, so the green strip that Elche is showing now was finally created, and would allow coined them as the team "franjiverde".Time has passed and except several exceptions its has been Elche´s the first team kit that still bears today.
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