Nota de Prensa
LUN 17.11.2014
Regarding the Order of Commercial Court No. 8 of Madrid issued today on the request for interim measures from Mr Pedro León Sánchez Gil's legal representative, the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional declares the following:
1. The above-mentioned Order has not suspended the application of the Regulations and Criteria for the elaboration of budgets for the Clubs/SADs (Public Limited Sports Companies) affiliated to the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional, as desired by footballer Mr. Pedro León Sánchez Gil, together with the active collaboration of AFE, and that, therefore, they are still in force today. Consequently, such Regulations and Criteria continue to be applied according to that provided in the state sports legislation and the LFP Articles of Association.
2. While respecting the content of the aforementioned legal resolution, the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional shall study, through its legal services, the possibility of immediately submitting the corresponding appeal against the aforementioned Order before the Madrid Court of Appeal, as well as the relevant incident of automatic nullity of the actions so far processed by that Court.
3. The Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional wishes to publically express its concern regarding the risk posed to the economic and financial stability of the sector of professional football. If the regulations on economic control and placed in doubt, not only the mechanisms for economic ownership, control and supervision are placed at risk, but also UEFA's regulations on financial fair play. In this sense, this Liga Nacional shall issue the above-mentioned legal resolution to UEFA, expressly communicating, that it was sought by the AFE, for its due understanding and appropriate purposes.
4. The Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional would like to reiterate its unconditional commitment to Spanish society for the effective implementation of the mechanisms for economic ownership, control and supervision of the sports entities, which are creating such positive results, both in the historical reduction of sector's debt to the Public Administrations, and the continuous and considerable improvement of the global situation in the sector, establishing itself as a necessary and essential tool for the financial health of Spanish football and for FAIR SPORTS COMPETITION between the Clubs/SADs that form it.
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