Official Statement
MIÉ 02.12.2015
This afternoon, before the Secretary of State, D. Miguel Cardenal and the Notary of the Illustrious Association of Notaries of Madrid, D. Tomas Perez de Ramos, it has proceeded to the opening and evaluation of bids from the various candidates for the different batches for the commercialization of rights to exploit audiovisual content of the National League Championship of First and Second Division and the Copa del Rey for the 2016-2017 to 2018-2019 seasons.
Having exceeded the reserve price by the tenders submitted, lots 5 and 6 have been awarded:
- Lot 5 was awarded to the company DTS DISTRIBUIDORA DE TELEVISIÓN DIGITAL, SAU for a total amount of 750 million euros for the three seasons.
- Lot 6 was awarded to the company MEDIAPRODUCCIÓN, SLU for the total amount of 1,900 million euros for the three seasons.
With the remaining lots that were not awarded, a Control Body meeting is convened for that reason in order to proceed according to the contest rules.
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