Nota de Prensa
THU 17.09.2015
LaLiga continues its struggle to defend its rights and to expose the business model and values of Spanish football. Javier Tebas, president of LaLiga, led the commission who went to Brussels on Wednesday for meetings with different members of all European and national institutions represented in the European capital. Melcior Soler, Audiovisual Area Director of LaLiga, and María José López, Legal Director, were also part of the delegation.
Throughout the day, LaLiga held meetings with several European representatives to express their concerns and explain their position on the Digital Single Market, and to see first-hand the strategy of the European Commission and the European Parliament on this matter and possible changes that could lead in the future. Among the issues treated, highlights the fight against piracy and match-fixing, the defense of intellectual property in the Spanish football and LaLiga’s position about TPI investment funds ("Third Party Investment") and co TPO ownership (Third Party Ownership).
LaLiga’s commission was received by MEPs José Blanco (Parliamentary Committee on Industry), Santiago Fisas (Culture), Sergio Gutiérrez (Internal Market), Rosa Estaràs Ferragut (Legal) and Antonio López-Istúriz (Internal Market). They also held meetings with various representatives of the Representation of Spain to the EU and representatives of the European Commission as Jörgen Gren, member of the Cabinet of Vice-presidency.
In its turn, LaLiga explained his stance on members of DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs), including Harrie Temmink, Deputy Head of the "services of public interest" unit, Enrique de Aresti, member of the "Digital single market", or Emmanuel Vallens, of the unit responsible for policies in the "Policy for consumers Services" unit. The Spanish delegation also expressed to DG EAC (Directorate-General for Education and Culture), which was represented by Yves Le Lostecque, head of the "sport policy and programs" unit.
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