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JUE 27.06.2024 | News

'Futura Aficion' ends its 9th season with the participation of 9,830 children from all across Spain

5 LALIGA clubs hosted the awareness-raising workshops on the positive values of football and the prevention of violence, developed by the LALIGA FOUNDATION


JUE 27.06.2024

The main new element this season was the development of the 'Futura Afición' days with the LALIGA clubs, where qualified instructors visited the junior schools, training centres and some of the most iconic stadiums in professional football from clubs such as  Atlético de Madrid, RC Celta, Granada CF, SD Huesca and Real Zaragoza to conduct the initiative's fun and informative workshops, customised for the Alevín (10-11) and Infantil (12-13) age categories.

During these sessions, a series of practical and reflective challenges were completed, focusing on the knowledge and relevance of teamwork and respect for opponents, as well as on non-violence in all its forms. Additionally, each day also included the module 'Out of the Game - Bullying at School', which was specifically created for the 9th edition of 'Futura Afición', with support from the AEPAE (Spanish Association for the Prevention of School Bullying).

Having consolidated its position as a leading programme for the education in positive values as a strategy for the prevention of violence, the project also continued its school-based approach, as it has done in its eight previous editions. Using an engaging and instructive approach, the 'Futura Afición' materials were used in 487 classrooms in 245 educational centres for students aged between 8 and 12 years old, spread across the 17 autonomous communities and cities in Spain.

As a final touch to the season, a ''Futura Afición'' workshop took place yesterday during LALIGA CAMPS, held at the Los Ángeles de San Rafael sports complex (Segovia), where nearly 50 boys and girls took part in the project's activities in an atmosphere full of fun and learning, focusing on measures that help to overcome conflict and improve skills such as competitiveness, knowing how to win and lose, and gender equality in sport.

This brought another season of 'Futura Afición’ to an end, further establishing itself as a leading educational project, with family members and programme instructors giving it a very positive rating, highlighting the innovation, use of gamification as a tool and educational content as highly valuable resources.

We end a very important season for the project, during which we were able to count on the collaboration of LALIGA clubs to help us promote good sporting attitudes and behaviour from the grassroots level of our football. We're also very pleased to have continued with our commitment of working in schools with a focus on prevention and raising awareness of the positive values of sport,” said Olga de la Fuente, Director of FUNDACIÓN LALIGA.

'Futura Afición' materials, project information and registration form for next season are available on the website www.futuraaficion.com.


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